There are two main ways to view sync errors. 

From Settings

To view more details about an error from the Settings page:

  1. From Start menu, select FileCloudSync.
  2. From the system tray, right-click the FileCloud icon and then select Settings.
  3. On the Home page, next to Recent Errors, click View.

From the Log File

To view error details from the log file:

  1. From Start menu, select FileCloudSync.
  2. From the system tray, right-click the FileCloud icon and then select Settings.
  3. On the Home page, select the Help screen option.
  4. To save a log file with the most current data, under Troubleshooting, click Save Log File, note the folder location, and click OK
  5. To open the log for searching, open Windows Explorer, and navigate to the directory where you saved the file. The file name will use a format similar to Exported_synclient_2018-12-28-11-17-14.
  6. Open the file and search for errors in the log.