About FileCloud Drive for Mac

Beginning with FileCloud 23.1, Drive for Mac includes FileCloud for Office.

Although FileCloud Drive for Mac makes your remote FileCloud server files available as if it is a local drive in your MacOSX Computer, it is important to understand the underlying technology powering FileCloud Drive so that you can use it most efficiently for it's intended purpose.

FileCloud Drive for Mac provides a virtual view to your FileCloud files and makes it appear as if the files are actually local, but in reality they are not. The files are present on the remote server and if the underlying network connection is not available, FileCloud Drive for Mac cannot work. So in cases when you are going to be offline and want access to your files, FileCloud Drive for Mac is not a suitable tool and it is recommended to use the FileCloud Sync app instead which keeps a copy of the remote server files locally on your computer.

Also, note that when you have a large file (for example, 1 GB) and you try to open it in an application via FileCloud Drive for Mac, it will first have to be downloaded from the remote connection and then opened. Depending upon your network connectivity this could take a while. So even though these files appear connected to your MacOSX, they are in reality in the FileCloud server. 

So it is best to use FileCloud Drive for Mac to work with small to medium sized files, to edit documents and use it for uploading small number of files or downloading small documents etc. FileCloud Drive for Mac is more convenient than using the web portal to edit files because it avoids downloading the file first, editing and then re-uploading it back. This can be done seamlessly by just opening the document in the application via explorer, editing and then saving it to upload it back to the FileCloud.

Viewing FileCloud Drive for Mac Activity

FileCloud Drive for Mac provides a way that shows the activities being performed by FileCloud Drive for Mac and this provides "under the hood" view. 

Select the "View Activity" option in FileCloud Drive for Mac task bar menu