Allow Users to Create and Approve Accounts

Administrators can customize how new user accounts are created. 

In this scenario you are allowing users to create and approve their own accounts. 

    • An administrator sets a default level of access.
    • Can be used when Share invitations are sent to new users.

This scenario does not work for AD and LDAP users. Refer to the specific scenarios and settings for AD and LDAP users.

  Allow user access/new account creation with an AD or LDAP account.

The settings that you use to configure these scenarios are described in Table 1.

New Account

ENABLED = opens a window for the user to type in new account information.

DISABLED = opens a window explaining that User Account Creation is not allowed.

This setting determines the behavior of the New Account button on the User Portal Login page.

If enabled, this setting works with two other settings to determine authentication and approval permissions:

  • Allow Account Signups
  • Automatic Account Approval

Allow Account Signups

Specifies if a user can or cannot create a new FileCloud user account by choosing:

  • TRUE

Can Create an Account

Prerequisite: New Account  = Enabled

DEFAULT = Local user authentication is allowed

  • Active Directory authentication allowed
  • LDAP authentication allowed

TRUE = Local user can create their own account

  • Active Directory authentication not allowed
  • LDAP authentication not allowed

Cannot Create an Account

FALSE = Local user cannot create their own account

  • If the New Account button is enabled, and the user clicks it, they can fill out the fields on the form. However, when they try to submit the information they will get an error that new account creation is not allowed.

This setting controls if the user can create a new account. By default, the account is disabled until an administrator approves it. If you want the account to be automatically approved, use the Automatic Account Approval settings.

Do I choose DEFAULT or TRUE?


  • If you are using AD or LDAP Authentication.
  • You want to allow your AD users to create their own FileCloud user accounts. After you import AD or LDAP user accounts into FileCloud, you can have users create their own FileCloud account automatically on their first login. In this scenario, you would just tell your users to log in using their AD or LDAP credentials and on their first login FileCloud will automatically create that user's new FileCloud account.


  • If you are NOT using AD or LDAP Authentication.
  • You want to allow your users to create their own user accounts. By default, the account is disabled until an Administrator approves it.

Automatic Account Approval

(Default) 0 = The account created by the user is DISABLED by default. It requires Admin approval to assign FULL or GUEST access to the account.

1 = The new user account is automatically approved with FULL access.

2 = The new user account is automatically approved with GUEST access.

3 = The new user account is automatically approved with EXTERNAL access.


  • New Account = ENABLED
  • Allow Account Signups = DEFAULT or TRUE

This setting works with the Allow Account Signups setting to determine:

  • If the account created by the user is disabled until the Administrator approves it.
  • If the account is approved with a specific level of access automatically without intervention from the Administrator.

(lightbulb)  For smaller organizations or high security sites, you can configure this option so that when a user creates a new account it is disabled until it is approved by the administrator.

(lightbulb)  For larger organizations, it might not be practical to have the administrator approve every account created, so you can use the automatic account approval settings.

The scenarios where a user can create a new FileCloud account are described in Table 2.

 Users can create their own accounts

 Users can approve their own accounts

(lightbulb) This scenario can also be used to allow new users to create an account when a Share invitation is sent.

(warning) This scenario does not work for AD and LDAP users. Refer to the specific scenarios and settings for AD and LDAP users.

  1. The Administrator configures the User Search Mode.
  2. The Administrator configures New Account Creation settings.
  3. The Administrator provides the user with the URL for the user portal OR an invitation to create a new account is sent when a user shares a folder or file.
  4. The User accesses the user portal from a Web browser, mobile device, FileCloud Sync or FileCloud Drive.
  5. On the user portal login window, the user clicks the New Account button.
  6. The user enters details in the account creation fields.
  7. The account is created and is granted access of a Full User, Guest User, or External User as set by the Administrator.
  8. The user receives an account creation email using the email address provided during account creation.
  9. The user is required to verify the email account to complete the account creation process.

Settings option, Users tab

(tick) User Account Search Mode = Exact Email with Implicit Account Invite OR Exact Email with Explicit Account Invite

Settings option, Authentication tab

(tick) Authentication Type = DEFAULT

Customization settings, Login tab

(tick)  New Account button = ENABLED

Settings option, Admin tab

(tick)  Allow Account Signups = TRUE

(tick) Automatic Account Approval = 1, 2, 3

Set the Create account on new user shares to true under policies.

To configure these settings:

  1. Log into the Admin Portal.
  2. From the left navigation menu, click Settings.
  3. Select the Misc. tab, and then click the Users sub-tab.
  4. In User Account Search Mode, select Exact Email Search with Explicit Account Invite or Exact Email Search with Implicit Account Invite.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the left menu panel, click Customization.
  7. On the General tab, click the Login  tab.
  8. Select the Show New Account Button checkbox.
  9. Click Save.
  10. From the left navigation menu, click Settings.
  11. In the right panel, click the Admin tab.
  12. In the Allow Account Signups field, select TRUE.
  13. Click Save.