Changing FileCloud Sync Cache Folder

FileCloud Sync app stores temporary files in a cache folder.

The default locations of this cache folder are listed below:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\FileCloudSyncData
  • Mac OSX: {HomeDir}\FileCloudSyncData
  • Linux: {HomeDir}\FileCloudSyncData

This can be changed by overriding the syncclientconfig.xml file

The file is available at the following locations:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\FileCloudSync\syncclientconfig.xml
  • Mac OSX: {HomeDir}\FileCloudSync\syncclientconfig.xml
  • Linux: {HomeDir}\FileCloudSync\syncclientconfig.xml

To change the default location:

  1. Stop the FileCloud Sync App.
  2. Copy the contents of the FileCloudSyncData folder to the new folder (for example,  copy it to "H:\FileCloudSyncData)".
  3. Change the syncclientconfig.xml file, and modify the value key of syncclientlocation entry to the new path.
    For example, change:



  4. Restart the Sync app