Configure Centralized Device Management

Client Device configuration settings can be configured remotely by specifying the configuration XML using policies.

For most clients, if the user changes the configuration locally, then the remote settings configured by the Administrator will override those settings the next time the client refreshes its settings.

For the Sync client, when an Admin sets a remote client policy, a user working in the Sync app cannot modify the settings. Sync will display a message saying "Centralized Configuration is being applied. Settings cannot be changed.".

To set a device configuration for a policy:

  1. Open a browser and log in the Admin Portal.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Settings.
  3. To open the list of policies, select the Policies tab.
  4. Click the policy that you want to configure, and then click the edit icon ().
  5. Click on the Device Configuration tab.
  6. Paste or type in the remote device configuration XML in Client Configuration

Device configuration is specified via XML, the general format of the XML is as follows


        <!-- XML for Windows Drive -->

        <!-- XML for Mac Drive -->

        <!-- XML for Sync App -->

        <!-- XML for ServerSync App -->

        <!-- XML for outlookaddin App -->


Incorrect XML Code

If your XML code cannot be validated then you will see the following warning:

Please correct the XML error and try again to Save your device configuration.

What do you want to configure?