To get the full benefit of Tonido, it helps to understand how Tonido operates.
Tonido Software is Personal Cloud software, which simply means that it allows access to all your files in your computer or device on which it is running,

One of the greatest benefits of Tonido is the convenience of getting access to all your stuff wherever you are as well as keeping all your stuff private.
Tonido breaks down the access barriers to your computer.

To understand how this is setup, it is quite simple.

  1. You install the Tonido Desktop software on the main computer that has all the files, media that you want to access
  2. You then create an account to access that computer. Say you create an account called "jane_homepc", then the URL to access your computer becomes ""
  3. You can access this computer from anywhere (as long as the computer is switched on) via a web browser by typing the URL ""
  4. You can access this computer from a mobile phone running Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Blackberry, Windows Phone by installing the "Tonido" app from the mobile app store or marketplace.
  5. You can sync files from other computers to the main computer by installing the Tonido Sync client. This will synchronize the contents of one folder in all your computers where you have installed the Tonido Sync client.
  6. All the above features are completely free: If you want more features like mounting main computer as a remote drive letter, you will need Tonido Drive software which is available if you have TonidoPro or if you have the TonidoPlug.

Sharing files with Guests

Here are the key points to note:

User Accounts

What you can do

Once you setup your Tonido software, here's a list of fun things you can do with it