While you are editing the wiki, you may want to insert an image or file that is not in your channel. If the file exists already, you can add an external link. Or, if the file doesn't exist, you could exit the wiki and create the file. But  AirSend increases your efficiency by enabling you to upload or create a file and save it in the channel without having to leave the wiki editor.

The left panel of the wiki editor shows the files and images that are already uploaded to the channel as well as buttons for uploading a file and creating a file or folder. 

The file for the wiki, index.md, is listed with the other files in the channel. The .md extension indicates that it is a markdown file, a plain text file that may include markdown formatting.

To upload a file into the channel:

  1. Open the wiki editor
  2. In the Files panel on the left of the Wiki editor, click the Upload a file button.
  3. Find the file in your file directory and upload it.
    It is now saved in the channel and appears in the Files panel:

To create a new markdown file:

  1. Open the wiki editor
  2. In the Files panel on the left of the Wiki editor, click the Create a file button.

    An Add File dialog box opens. 
  3. Enter a file name. The extension will always be .md.
  4. Click Create File.
    The file appears in the Files panel. In the space where you were entering wiki content, the new file opens.
  5. Enter content into the new file using any of the features you used for entering content into the wiki.
  6. Click Publish.
    The file is published but the text editor continues to display it.
  7. To re-open the wiki file in the text editor, click index.md in the Files panel.
    Now the wiki file is opened in the center panel.
  8. You may add a link to the new markdown file in the wiki file text.

AirSend lets you create new folders as well as new files during wiki editing so you can store the files in an organized manner.

To create a new folder:

  1. Open the wiki editor
  2. In the Files panel on the left of the Wiki editor, click the Create a folder button.

    An Add Folder dialog box opens. 
  3. Enter a folder name.
  4. Click Create Folder.
    The folder appears in the Files panel.
  5. Drag and drop files into the folder after you create them, or click on the folder to open it and upload files into it.