Be very careful when connected to TonidoPlug via SSH. By default you’ll be root and be able to do anything you want to the system. So… You know “with great power comes great responsibility” 

TonidoPlug runs Linux; hence technically you can install other software (limited by memory size and process speed). However, we don't offer any kind of technical support if you attempt to do this.  When you install other software we recommend you to boot the TonidoPlug from either external USB drive or SATA disk. If you install software on flash and brick the device CodeLathe is not responsible for it.



You can use a protocol called SSH to connect to your TonidoPlug from a command line and administer your plug. For SSH protocol to work you need a SSH server and a SSH client. TonidoPlug is running a SSH server out-of-box. All you need is a SSH client to connect to it. SSH client is available as part of the operating system in the case MacOSX and Linux. For Windows, you can download and use a free program called PuTTY.

Here are the steps to SSH into TonidoPlug using Putty.