1. Login to Plug Admin


TonidoPlug related configuration is always done using the Tonido Plug Admin. To access Plug Admin pages, login into your account, click on the "TonidoPlug Admin" link on the left.

You will need to enter your Plug Admin password you had setup during initial plug setup. Use your admin password to login. Remember, this password is different from your Tonido account password. 

Please note that you can only open Plug Admin if you are in the same LAN as the TonidoPlug (however there is a way to make this Plug Admin accessible remotely in recent TonidoPlug software).


2. Manage USB Drives


Once you login into Plug Admin, switch to Disks tab to view and manage connected USB disks.

 Internal Flash

TonidoPlug comes with a built-in internal flash drive (512MB). You can see the used space in that internal flash drive under "Internal Flash" section. This section is for information purposes only. You cannot modify or change internal flash settings.

 External Drives
This section will list all the USB disks along with their partitions as detected by the plug. If your disk is not shown in this page, then it is probably not compatible with the plug. Let us look at each of the fields in this section.

It is recommended to unmount all partitions of the disk before detaching the USB disk from the plug. If you skip this step, plug will be thinking that the disk is still mounted on the path and will keep writing to the path, which will result in the internal flash getting full.

You cannot unmount a partition if it is shared. To unmount a shared partition, you need to remove the share first and then unmount it.


 3. Format Harddisk

TonidoPlug provides an option to format  (Ext3,FAT32) your hard disk.


 4. Clean DiskDB

Use this option to clear disk names that are stored in TonidoPlug.


 5. Cleanup Space

Delete temporary files that accidentally created in your flash.