The ability to share publicly but still require a password to access the share is available in FileCloud Server version 13.0 and later.

You can share a file with any user, even one without a FileCloud account, by giving them the link. For additional security you can require a password. 

(lightbulb) This option is not available for sharing a file privately with a user who already has a FileCloud account.

To require a password when you share a file, you can leave most of the default settings as-is.

However, in SHARE OPTIONS, you must change the following setting:

Enable Password Protection   to   YES

This requires a user to access a file after first providing a password

(lightbulb) NOTES:

  • FileCloud will create a randomly-generated strong password, or you can set your own.
  • When you share this link through the FileCloud email template, the password information will be given. 

To share a file with everyone without restrictions:

  1. In the system tray, right-click the FileCloud Sync icon () and select File Browser
  2. In the File Browser  window, right-click the file and then select Share.
  3. On the Share link pop-up window, click Advanced Options.
  4. On the Manage Share for file window, in Share Options, leave the default of Never Expires.

  5. In Restrict Downloads, leave the default of No Restrictions or  select  Restrict to and set a restriction.
  6. In Email File Change Notifications, leave the default of YES or to turn them off select NO.
  7. In Enable Password Protection, select YES
  8. A randomly-generated password is shown. You can use this or change it to another secure password.
  9. On the Manage Share for file window, in Share Permissions, leave the default of Allow Everyone.
  10. To save your changes, click Update.

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